Licentiate theses presented 1993/94

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Licentiate theses presented 1993/94

Enrico Gravador has completed the requirements for Licentiate degree. The title of the thesis is 'Phase-integral stability analysis of periodic responses in driven nonlinear oscillators' and the main advisor was Karl-Erik Thylwe. The theses was presented in June 1993 and all requirements were fulfilled in February 1994.

Henri Joona has completed the requirements for Licentiate degree. The title of the thesis is 'An inviscid-viscous coupling method for 3D transonic separated flows' and the main advisor was Prof. Laszlo Fuchs. A Lic-seminar was held on June 3 where TeknD Ingemar Lindblad, FFA acted as moderator in the discussion of the thesis.

Anders Lennartsson
Fri Nov 25 12:48:48 MET 1994