Sök Innehåll Kontakt

Title Speaker
Patentability of computer implemented inventions ("Softwarepatents") Martin Liendl
Location Time and Date
E2, Lindstedsvägen 3, Entrepl, KTH 14.30-15.30, 2011-05-19  (Thursday)
The presentation will briefly introduce the European Patent Convention, the role of the European Patent Office, and the patent granting procedure. An overview of the substantial criteria for patentability (industrial applicability, novelty, and inventive step) will be given, followed by exclusions and exceptions to patentability under the European Patent Convention, with emphasis on programs for computers. Finally, the interpretation of the European Patent Convention with respect to computer-implemented inventions will be addressed.

Sidansvarig: Webmaster, KCSE

Uppdaterad: 2007-01-06