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Title Speaker
Simulations using a multi-mesh adaptive method Yani Di
Location Time and Date
PDC seminar room, Teknikringen 14, level 3 2009-09-02  (Wed)
(coffee 14.15)
For some problems with multi variables, the solution functions might develop in very different styles. Here an efficient multi-mesh h-adaptive algorithm will be proposed to solve different variables on different meshes based on their own natures respectively. For example, for the interface problems, some interface functions can be used to provide implicitly the location of the interface, and their values are almost useless away from this interface. To fully resolve them, a fine grid is required only in a small region around the interface. Meanwhile, other physical quantities may extend well beyond the interface and have much milder variation in their gradients, permitting a much coarser grid to resolve it. Numerical simulations will be presented to demonstrate its capacity and efficiency.

Sidansvarig: Webmaster, KCSE

Uppdaterad: 2007-01-06