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Licentiate theses presented 1994/95

Tomomi Yagi

Thesis title: The effects of transverse loading in the pantograph contact problem.
Advisor: Prof. Martin Lesser

Tomomi presented the thesis at a licentiate seminar on December 2 and is presently continuing his graduate studies at the Department of Structural Engineering, KTH.

Leonard H. Borgström

Thesis title: Wakes behind the caulks of a disc stack centrifuge and their importance for the pressure drop.
Advisor: Prof. Fritz Bark

Leonard presented the thesis at a licentiate seminar on February 9 and continues to work at Alfa-Laval.

Fredrik Wallgren

Thesis title: Convective mass transfer in electrochemistry and physiology.
Advisor: Prof. Fritz Bark

Fredrik presented the thesis at a licentiate seminar on February 10 and is presently working at Ericsson.

Josefina Dellby

Thesis title: A geometric shock dynamics approach to liquid impact
Advisors: Prof. M. Lesser and Docent N. Apazidis

Josefina presented the thesis at a licentiate seminar on February 27 where Henrik Alfredsson (indirectly through M Lesser) acted as "moderator" for the discussion. Josefina is now working at COMSOL.

Anders Lennartsson
Tue Dec 12 16:34:50 MET 1995