Most cited publications by, or co-authored by, Hanno Essén

(My 14 papers that have been cited at least 14 times)


1.      R. F. W. Bader and H. Essén
On the Characterization of Atomic Interactions
Journal of Chemical Physics 80 (1984) pp. 1943-1960.

Times cited: Web of Science: 649, Google scholar: 472


2.      H. Essén
The Physics of the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry XII (1977) pp. 721-735.

Times cited: Web of Science: 47, Google scholar: 35


3.      H. Essén, G. D. Billing and M. Baer
Comparison of Quantum Mechanical and Quasi-Classical Calculations of Collinear Reaction Rate Constants for the H+Cl_2 and D+Cl_2 Systems
Chemical Physics 17 (1976) pp. 443-449.

Times cited: Web of Science: 45, Google scholar: 26


4.      M. S. Child, H. Essén and R. J. Le Roy
An RKR-like Inversion Procedure for Bound-Continuum Transition Intensities
Journal of Chemical Physics 78 (1983) pp. 6732-6740.

Times cited: Web of Science: 42, Google scholar: 24


5.      H. Essén
Quantization and Independent Coordinates
American Journal of Physics 46 (1978) pp. 983-988.

Times cited: Web of Science: 33, Google scholar: 24


6.      T. T. Nguyen-Dang, R. F. W. Bader and H. Essén
Some Properties of the Lagrange Multiplier µ in Density Functional Theory
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry XXII (1982) pp. 1049-58.

Times cited: Web of Science: 27, Google scholar: 19


7.      H. Essén
The Darwin Magnetic Interaction Energy and its Macroscopic Consequences
Physical Review E 53 (1996) pp. 5228-5239.

Times cited: Web of Science: 18, Google scholar: 34


8.      H. Essén and D. Cremer
On the Relationship Between the Mean Plane and the Least-Squares Plane of an N-membered Puckered Ring
Acta Crystallographica B 40 (1984) pp. 418-420.

Times cited: Web of Science: 16, Google scholar: 9


9.      H. Essén
The Periodic Table of the Elements and the Thomas-Fermi Atom
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry XXI (1982) pp. 717-726.

Times cited: Web of Science: 14, Google scholar: 9


10.  H. Essén
Magnetism of Matter and Phase Space Energy of Charged Particle Systems
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 32 (1999) pp. 2297-2314.

Times cited: Web of Science: 14, Google scholar: 17


11.  H. Essén
On the Geometry of Non-holonomic Dynamics
Journal of Applied Mechanics 61 (1994) pp. 689-694.

Times cited: Web of Science: 13, Google scholar: 15


12.  Karl I. Borg, Lars H. Söderholm, and H. Essén
Force on a spinning sphere moving in a rarefied gas
Physics of Fluids 15 (2003) pp. 736-741.

Times cited: Web of Science: 11, Google scholar: 16


13.  H. Essén

Phase- space energy of charged particles with negligible radiation: Proof of spontaneous formation of magnetic structures and new effective forces
Physical Review E 56 (1997) pp. 5858-5865.

Times cited: Web of Science: 9, Google scholar: 17


14.  H. Essén
A Study of Lattice and Magnetic Interactions of Conduction Electrons
Physica Scripta 52 (1995) pp. 388-394.

Times cited: Web of Science: 9, Google scholar: 14




The Hirsch index is thus:  h = 14  (Date: 2012-05-15)

when all information is included. Web of Science: gives h=10 but misses the 2nd paper in the list above. Citations prior to publication are included as well as slightly erroneous citations. The last three papers are included on the basis of Google scholar citation counts.