Summary of commands
Here the commands that are defined in femLegoLib are described one by one, in a style similar to the Maple language reference manual.

Vector and tensor expressionsManipulate integral expressionsGenerate inputGenerate outputDirichlet boundary conditionsInitial conditionsGenerate solver sequenceTransform equations into FE codeError estimate for adaptivity
&tpartInt getFemLabInputAVSPlotP1mkDirBCmkICcopymkSolvemkFemmkAdapt
nabvariationgetFemLabInputP2P1FemLabPlot mkDirBC2mkICcopy2mkSolveAdaptmkFem2 
delta[i,j]BCsubsgetTGridInputOpenDXPlotP1   mkBCint 
epsilon[i,j,k]test_subs     mkBCint2 
Contact: Gustav Amberg, Mechanics, KTH, S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden,