In order to use the software you need the following:

  • femLego_dist.
    directories containing the fortran and Maple source needed to build solvers.
    a set of worked examples
    A numerical linear algebra library

    This is contained in the distribution that can be downloaded below.

  • Mesh generation software.
    This is generally not part of the femLego package, the mesh is expected to be found in a file produced by some other application.

    However, some tools to make very simple meshes are included in the distribution. After downloading (see below) these are found in
    femLego_dist/femLegoLib/fortran_util . See the README files for instructions on how to use them.

    There are also some tools to read meshes produced by Tgrid and the freeware (** link removed due to a name conflict **) .

    Follow the link 'Commands' in the contents bar to the left and look at 'generate input' commands for more information.

  • Visualization software.
    This is not part of the femLego package, output is written to files that are expected to be viewed using other applications.

    Output can be generated in formats that are read by AVS, AVS/Express, OpenDX, or the freeware (** link removed due to a name conflict **) .

    Follow the link 'Commands' in the contents bar to the left and look at 'generate ouput' commands for more information.

To download and unpack:
Download the femLego files from

Unpack the downloaded file using
lindstedt:tomisc0% gunzip -c dist.tar.gz | tar xf -

After you have verified that the unpacking was successful, clean up:
lindstedt:tomisc0% rm dist.tar.gz
Contact: Gustav Amberg, Mechanics, KTH, S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden,