Shervin Bagheri




KTH Mechanics
100 44 Stockholm
shervin (at)
+46(0)8-790 6770

visiting adress
Room: 2718
Osquars Backe 18

selection of talks



Postdoc World

Career Workshop for PhDs, Sigtuna, Sweden (30th Jan.)



Manipulation of Flows

Docent Seminar, KTH, Sweden (14th Jan.)




Effects of small noise on the DMD/Koopman spectrum

APS, Pittsburgh (24th Nov.)


Sig33, Sandhamn Stockholm, Sweden (29th May.)





A method for extracting coherent structres from numerical and experimental data

Genova, Italy (20th Dec.)



Spectral representation of oscillators

San Diego, California, USA (18th Nov.)



Spontaneous symmetry-breaking of hinged flapping filament generates lift

La Jolla, California, USA (14th Nov.)




Transition delay using control theory

Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France (9th Sept.)




Analysis and control of transitional shear flows

EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (28th Sept.)



Feedback control of transition using reduced-order models

Euromech 8, Bad Reichenhall, Germany (Sept. 13)



Flow analysis using Koopman modes

8th SIG33 Ercoftac Meeting (1st July), Nice, France


Analysis and control of transitional shear flows using global modes

PhD defense seminar (12th Feb.)
KTH, Stockholm, Sweden



Linear control of 3D disturbances on a flat-plate

7th IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Stockholm, Sweden


A Systematic and Computationally Tractable Approach to Flow Stability and Control

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA


Nonlinear PSE: Interaction between streamwise streaks and Tollmien-Schlichting waves

Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain



Linear stability and control of fluid flows: Coping with high-dimensional discretizations

Rice University, Houston, USA


Global linear stability analysis of the jet in crossflow

APS, San Antonio,TX, USA


Stability analysis and control design of complex flows using timestepping techniques

IFMT, Toulouse, France


The global stability of a jet in crossflow

Euromech 7, Manchester, UK


Stability analysis and control design of spatially developing flows

Licenciate Seminar, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden


The stability of a Jet in Crossflow

Workshop, Abisko, Sweden


Model reduction of Blasius and Stability of Jet in Crossflow

ERCOFTAC, Sienna, Italy


Flow Control: Systematic Approach to Model Reduction and Control Design

Linné Flow Centre, Annual meeting , Lidingö Sweden



Model reduction and feedback control of the Blasius boundary layer

APS, Salt-Lake City, Utah, USA


Performance of reduced-order models of fluid systems: Exemplified on Blasius flow and Ginzburg-Landau equation

SIG33 Ercoftac, Kleinwalsertal, Austria


Numerical simulations of the jet in crossflow & Low-order subspaces of the Blasius boundary layer

Åre, Sweden


Model Reduction and control of fluids

ERCOFTAC, Sienna, Italy



Reduced-Order models: Optimal Growth, Frequency Response & Feedback Control -Examples on the linear Ginzburg-Landau equation

LadHyx, Polytechnique, Paris, France


Concepts of linear feedback control on fluid flows exemplified on the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation

NPC, Copenhagen, Denmark


Nonlinear Interaction of Streaks and Tollmien-Schlichting waves in boundary layer flows

Euromech 6, Stockholm, Sweden


Nonlinear PSE simulations of the development of TS waves in the presence of optimal streaks

SIG33 Ercoftac, Nässlingen, Sweden